Friday, September 16, 2011

Fabulous Eid Ever!

 Hello there. I have been very busy lately. It is not because I have a lot of work to do, but I have to visit so many places in a fortnight! Lol. It is Eid, so everyone took a long holiday for the celebration and for me, I got a 17 days of holiday! Yay!

That is my first Eid in Johor with people I love, care so much. But my Eid there is just for a few hours since I have to go  back to Kuala Lumpur to catch a flight on the next day. 

I reached Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) around 11.30pm (Aug 30th, ‘11), thus I have to overnight there since I have to check-in two hours before my flight to WP Labuan which was at 7.50am. I reached Labuan Airport around 10.30am (Aug 31st, ‘11) and was fetched by my Mummy and Daddy. Smile

My second eid celebration started with visiting graveyard – may those who have gone rest peacefully. After that, we went to Daddy's’ brother house since they held an open house. My days there were just only visiting and attending the open houses. Open-mouthed smile

After a couple days in Labuan, my Nenek planned to celebrate Eid in Brunei and asked me to come along but unfortunately, the where some circumstances had taken place. Therefore, I went to Sabah instead of Brunei.

 This time a sigh a lot since the journey from Labuan To Tawau was such a long journey. By ferry from Labuan to Menumbok ,  it takes about two hours. From Menumbok to Kota Kinabalu, it takes also about almost two hours by express bus – if the roads are not jammed. From Kota Kinabalu, I took the fastest express bus to Tawau which takes only nine-hours journey. The common express bus takes about 12 hours from Kota Kinabalu to Tawau.

I reached Tawau from Kota Kinabalu as early as 5.00am – Sept 5th, ‘11 (started the journey from Kota Kinabalu to Tawau at 8.00pm – Sept 4th, ‘11) in the morning and fetched by my uncle. I spent about three days there enjoying good times with my cousins and helping my aunty in her canteen.

After a few days, I went back to Labuan. That’s all for now. I’ll be posting more of my visit to WP Labuan and Sabah State soon. Smile

Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Wishlist

MUST have :

I can't stop thinking of these items, day  and night. -.-"

Takpe. Slowly, I can get all those things if 
Amir Azizi tambahkan simpanan duit yang dah memang banyak itu.
Haha. Sabar ye Amir Azizi. Sikit masa je lagi. :)

--> I'm so freaking want these..!!!

Tree of Hope

There was a time I needed some new hobby, and I found one : Gardening

Kasih sayangku yang tidak berbelah bahagi

Entah sejak bila saya berminat dengan pokok pun entahlah. 
Hanya Tuhan yang tahu. 
Jadi, untuk memenuhi nafsu untuk menanam, 
saya pun membeli beberapa jenis pokok yang kebanyakannya tergolong dalam family kaktus. 
Sejak itu, bermulalah kegiatan saya menjaga dan menyemai pohon-pohon kesayangan saya itu.
Tidur dan jagaku mesti nampak pohon-pohon tu.

Tree of Hope

kusangkakan panas berpanjangan, namun rupanya hujan di tengah hari,
Pohon Determination dan Strength tidak mampu bertahan lama,
Courage pula gasping for air,
apakan daya,
semua ni bukan salah cara semaian,
tetapi natijah daripada
cacian dan makian yang dituturkan setiap hari
di depan Tree of Hope.
Bukanlah niat diri untuk mengeluarkan kata-kata kesat ke atas mereka,
walhal kata-kata itu ditujukan buat orang lain (sebagai umpatan).
Tetapi Tree of hope pula mendengar kata-kata kesat tersebut.
Maafkan diri ini wahai Tree of Hope. 
Semoga Love mampu berjuang hingga ke akhirnya.

P/S : Kata-kata itu suatu doa. Ungkaplah kata-kata yang baik lagi mulia. Pesanan ini untuk diri sendiri jua.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Juadah Ramadan 4

:’( . Kali nie sy agak sedih sikit… Knp…?? Sbb kali nie buka puasa trakhir sy dgn family sblum sy balek k0lej… Adeh… Ok lah… Menu utama buka puasa kali nie ialah :


Udang masak lemak bernenas. Sgt2 sdp… Nenasny…. Perghhh… Manis… Udang pun banyak gak… Memang puas hati la kalu mkn…. Hahaha…. Next ialah :


Ikan masak kicap jek. Yg nie menu simple jek, tp dibuat khas untuk adik bongsu sy, Azira. Sbb die xbley mkn udang… Allergic… Tp ade juga bbrp ketul udang yg sy pakse die rasa… Kesian pulak… Tp naseb bek die xkesah…. hahaha…. Menu laen ialah :


Sambal sotong. Nampak merah giler kan…?? Dan mcm pedas sgt… Ermm, agk pedas la…. Tp sedap jek… hehehe… Utk sayur plak, kmi buat sayur kailan ikan masin.. Ikan masin tu kmi guna ikan tenggiri…. Boleh thn sedap, tp kurg masin… Sbb gune ikan masinny sikit sgt… Mcmnepun, memg sdp… Hahaha….


Tidak lupe juga kpd Pisang Goreng Penyet yg sy buat…


serta pelbagai jenis kueh yg ayh & azie beli kt bazar… huhu..


:(( malangny… nie la kali trakhir sy brbuke kt umh sblm mnggu cuti ry nti… sob3x…

Movie yg sy bru download.. :)

Bila Agkny Sy Nak Tonton Movie Yg Sy Bru Download Ni..?
Sambil mnyelam minum air...
Bgitu brtepatan pepatah melayu yg mmbawa mksud lebeyh kurg la ea :
Buat 2 kerja dlm 1 masa..

Sambil sy buat assignment sambil sy donlod movie...!! Haha... Neyh adalah movies yg sy donlod tu :

IP Man 3 : The Legend Is Born
Kung Fu Hip Hop 2
Ong Bak 3
Prince of Persia : The Sand of Time
Fuhh... Bnyk btl nk kne tgk...
Sumer DVDRip plak tu...
Kualiti memg terbaeklah...!!
Ade subtitle lg...

Jom tgk skali...!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Juadah Ramadan 3

Kali nie menu seaf0od plak… Sy memg suke seafo0d… Kbtulan al0ng sy teringin sgt nk mkn ketam… Da lme kami xmkn ketam.. SO, kali ni, along wat ketam masak cili ape nth.. Sy xtaw nme masakn tu… hahaha…

Pastu menu ape ye..?? Ermm… Next ialah…

Masak sos tiram sawi + tauhu jepun… Fuhh… Naseb baek tauhu nie xhancur tyme sy goreng… Sedap whoa….

Kitorg ade wat gak sotong goreng tepung… tp gune tepung biase je la… Janji  bley wat mkn… hahaha…

Oh ye… Tidak lupe juga terima kasih kpd Cik Norlie (jiran sebelah rumah sy) yg memberi laksa putih yg beliau msk… Hurmm, b0leh thn sdp.. Tp sambal blcn yg Cik Norlie bg tue sgt pedas… Atok Usop yg tgh syok mkn ketam trbhenti skjp mkn sbb nk hilangkn kpedassan… hehehe…


Mcmnepun, tak lupe juga kpd saki baki sahur yg ayh msk pg tu. Ayam msk kurma brkicap..Sedap jugak… Haha…


Nmpk gayeny, tu saje menu utk puasa ke-3 kami…. Jumpe lg…!!